Fractional Resurfacing in Olney, MD

CSI Locations:
Olney, MD Location
18111 Prince Phillip Drive
Suite 120
Olney, MD 20832
Washington, DC Location
4400 MacArthur Blvd NW
Suite 102A
Washington D.C, 20007


is Fractional Resurfacing Right for You?


The Palomar Lux1540 fractional non-ablative laser is the latest generation in skin resurfacing technology. The Palomar™ fractional laser smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin discoloration as well as offers mild skin tightening, but without the downtime or mild to moderate redness associated with other skin resurfacing technologies.


The Palomar™ laser and the Fraxel® laser work in a similar way, by treating only a portion of the targeted skin at a time. The Palomar Lux1540 Fractional™ laser delivers light in an array of microbeams to the skin. These microbeams penetrate well below the epidermis and into the dermis, sparing the tissue surrounding the beams from damage. The tissue within these beams initiates a natural healing process that accelerates the formation of new, healthy tissue and the fractional treatment of the skin allows for faster healing with visible results in skin color, texture, tone, fine lines and wrinkles.


Palomar™ fractional skin resurfacing treatments are effective only when performed in a series of sessions because each session treats only 20 to 25 percent of the skin. By treating just a percentage of the skin, the surrounding untreated skin drives the healing process, filling in the treated area with healthy, more youthful looking skin. The “fractional” treatment of the skin creates seamless, radiant skin without the unwanted side effects associated with other skin resurfacing technology.


Frequently Asked Questions



How is the Palomar™ Laser different from other types of laser treatments?

Until the development of fractional skin resurfacing, there were only two types of laser treatments available – ablative and non-ablative. Ablative laser treatment is effective but requires some recovery time. Non-ablative laser treatment has little or no side effects and almost no healing time, but requires multiple treatments within a extended period of time. The Palomar™ fractional skin resurfacing laser offers the same effectiveness as the ablative laser treatment, but with the speedy healing time associated with the gentler, non-ablative lasers.


How does the Palomar™ laser work?

The Palomar™ fractional skin resurfacing laser is designed to target aging and sun damaged skin by zeroing in on damaged tissue. The Palomar™ creates an array of beams and each beam penetrates into the dermis, far below the outer most epidermal layer of skin. When the beam penetrates deep into the dermis layer of skin, it eliminates the old epidermal pigmented cells. Surrounding each of these beams is healthy, unaffected tissue. The healthy, surrounding tissue triggers the body’s natural healing process, accelerating the production of collagen and the formation of new, tighter tissue to replaces the skin’s imperfections.


How is the Palomar™ laser Different from the Fraxel® laser?

The Palomar™ laser and Fraxel® laser are part of a new generation of laser treatments called fractional skin resurfacing. These lasers are similar in that they only treat a portion of the skin, 20 – 25 percent, during each session. However, there are subtle differences in the lasers manufactured by Palomar™ and Fraxel®, which is why it is important to schedule a one-on-one consultation to determine which laser would be most effective in treating your skin condition.


With the Palomar™ laser, no tinted guide lotion or topical anesthetic is required, making the treatment session very pleasant and easy for the patient. The Palomar™ laser contains a unique sapphire cooling tip, which cools the skin and minimizes discomfort during treatment.


What are the benefits of the Palomar™ laser treatment?

The Palomar™ fractional skin resurfacing laser provides similar results as ablative lasers, but offers the gentle benefits of the non-ablative treatment with little to no downtime. Because the revolutionary technology of the Palomar™ laser bypasses the outer layer of skin, make-up can be applied immediately following the session. Some people are able to return to work and social obligations the same day as the treatment. Other people may require more time to heal, depending upon their skin condition and treatment. Your service provider can better explain how the Palomar laser treatment will fit into your schedule.


How many treatments will I need?

The number of sessions will depend upon the condition treated. On average, an effective treatment regimen is 3 or 4 sessions, spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart. Depending on the severity of the condition being treated, it could take up to six treatments. Results are immediate and progressive. Over the course of two or three months, new collagen begins to form, creating healthy, more youthful skin.


How are Palomar™ fractional skin resurfacing laser treatments performed?

The practitioner treats one area at a time, cooling the area before moving onto the next section.  Topical anesthetic is optional but recommended to provide the utmost comfort. The cooling tip helps control the temperature of the skin, making the treatment a comfortable experience. A treatment session may last just over an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated.


Is Palomar™ skin resurfacing laser treatment painful?

A small amount of discomfort is involved but most people find that a Palomar™ laser session is comfortable. The Palomar™ laser has a unique sapphire cooling tip that cools the skin before, during and after each pulse light, making the treatment comfortable to most people. Most patients describe the treatment as having a mild “snapping” sensation or sunburn sensation.


What should I expect after a Palomar™ skin resurfacing laser treatment?

For the first 24 hours after treatment, your skin may feel like it is sunburned and it will appear slightly pink or red with some mild to moderate swelling. The redness or pinkness will fade in a few hours. As you continue treatment, the redness or pinkness process will repeat. Using a moisturizer will help to reduce the flakiness.


What precautions should I take after a Palomar™ skin resurfacing laser treatment?

Following treatment, it is important to apply a sunscreen of SPF 30 at least twice a day. Also, avoid direct sun exposure during the healing process and for at least three months following treatment.

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